Example 9.18: Volumes of Reacting Gases

Ammonia is an important fertilizer and industrial chemical. Suppose that a volume of 683 billion cubic feet of gaseous ammonia, measured at 25 °C and 1 atm, was manufactured. What volume of \(\ce{H2(g)}\), measured under the same conditions, was required to prepare this amount of ammonia by reaction with \(\ce{N2}\)?

\(\ce{N2(g)}\)\(\ce{ + }\)\(\ce{3H2(g)}\)\(\ce{->}\)\(\ce{2NH3(g)}\)\(\ce{ }\)


\(ν_{\mathrm{\ce{H2(g)}}}\) \(= 3\)

\(ν_{\mathrm{\ce{NH3(g)}}}\) \(= 2\)

\(\mathrm{ft}\) \(= 12 \cdot 2.54\ \mathrm{cm}\)

\(\ \ \ =30.5\ \mathrm{cm}\)

\(V_{\mathrm{\ce{NH3}}}\) \(= 683000000000 \cdot {\mathrm{ft}}^{3}\)

\(\ \ \ =683000000000 \cdot {(30.5\ \mathrm{cm})}^{3}\)

\(\ \ \ =683000000000 \cdot 2.832\times 10^{4}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3}\)

\(\ \ \ =1.93\times 10^{16}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3}\)

\(V_{\mathrm{\ce{H2}}}\) = ?

Because equal volumes of \(\ce{H2}\) and \(\ce{NH3}\) contain equal numbers of molecules and each three molecules of \(\ce{H2}\) that react produce two molecules of \(\ce{NH3}\), the ratio of the volumes of \(\ce{H2}\) and \(\ce{NH3}\) will be equal to 3:2. Two volumes of \(\ce{NH3}\), in this case in units of billion ft^3, will be formed from three volumes of H2:

\(V_{\mathrm{\ce{H2}}}\) \(= V_{\mathrm{\ce{NH3}}} \cdot \dfrac{ν_{\mathrm{\ce{H2(g)}}}}{ν_{\mathrm{\ce{NH3(g)}}}}\)

\(\ \ \ =1.93\times 10^{16}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3} \cdot \dfrac{3}{2}\)

\(\ \ \ =1.93\times 10^{16}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3} \cdot \frac{3 }{ 2}\)

\(\ \ \ =2.90\times 10^{16}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3}\)

\(V_{\mathrm{\ce{H2}}}\) \(= \dfrac{V_{\mathrm{\ce{H2}}}}{{\mathrm{ft}}^{3}}\mathrm{\ \mathrm{ft^3}}\)

\(\ \ \ =\dfrac{2.90\times 10^{16}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3}}{{(30.5\ \mathrm{cm})}^{3}}\mathrm{\ \mathrm{ft^3}}\)

\(\ \ \ =\dfrac{2.90\times 10^{16}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3}}{2.832\times 10^{4}\ \mathrm{cm}^{3}}\mathrm{\ \mathrm{ft^3}}\)

\(\ \ \ =1.02\times 10^{12}\mathrm{\ \mathrm{ft^3}}\)

The manufacture of 683 billion ft^3 of \(\ce{NH3}\) required 1020 billion ft^3 of \(\ce{H2}\). (At 25 °C and 1 atm, this is the volume of a cube with an edge length of approximately 1.9 miles.)
Think about it: Why do we need a larger volume of \(\ce{H2}\) than the volume of the produced \(\ce{NH3}\)?
a) Because the molar mass of \(\ce{NH3}\) is larger
b) Because \(\ce{NH3}\) has more atoms than \(\ce{H2}\)
c) Because \(\ce{H2}\) is more reactive than \(\ce{NH3}\)
d) Because they react in a 3:2 ratio